Atlas Oud 50ml
Atlas Oud 50ml
ARGANA Atlas Oud is an oil-based skin care product that has a mild, warm
and luxurious fragrance. With the incredibly moisturizing and nourishing
argan oil, grape seed oil and the dark bark of agarwood also known as
Oud, Atlas Oud leaves you both hydrated and with an unforgettable scent. -
Suits normal skin, dry skin, oily skin and combination skin.
Apply approximately 2-3 drops to desired area. Then massage the oil in using circular movements.
To achieve the most desired effect of hydration and radiance, use the oil at least 2 times per day. 1 time in the morning and once in the evening.
The oil can also be used as a hair oil, face oil, body oil and also as a light perfume. By applying the oil to the body's hottest points (behind the ear, armpit, neck, wrist, etc.), the oil is warmed by your natural body temperature and mixed with your natural body scent.
Ingredients: Helianthus annuus seed oil, Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil, Vitus Vinifera Oil, Oud essence.
- All fragrances are hypoallergenic and oil-based.
- Product volume, 50ml.
- Multiproduct